AGA Hawaii Leader Roles and ResponsibilitiesChapter Executive Committee (CEC), Officers & DirectorsPresidentThe Chapter President leads and directs the chapter's various programs and events. The chapter's success during the year depends to a great extent on the president's initiative and creativity. Keeping the membership informed about AGA activities and motivating members to take an active part in AGA's programs are important parts of a chapter president's responsibilities. All chapter presidents are members ofAGA's National Board ofDirectors (NBD) and participate in policy decisions affecting AGA. Chapter presidents receive information about the goals ofAGA through association communications and plan programs at the local level to support these goals. In addition to leading the chapter and motivating chapter members, the president is responsible for managing committee or board activities, personally or through appointed representatives, as well as championing the AGA and chapter with employers, other organizations, colleges and universities, the media, etc. Specific functions:
President-ElectThe chapter president-elect assists the chapter president and other board members in carrying out their duties. The president may also assign other specific functions to the president-elect, such as chairing committees or representing AGA in meetings and functions. President-elects are encouraged to attend the PDC and NBD annual meeting prior to becoming chapter president. In the event that the president's position becomes vacant, the president-elect discharges the responsibilities ofthe office ofthe president until the expiration of the president's term. The president-elect shall assume the position ofpresident in the succeeding year. The chapter bylaws should provide guidance concerning vacancies for chapter officers and directors. Immediate Past PresidentThe immediate past president is an important member ofthe CEC who:
TreasurerThe chapter treasurer is the custodian of chapter funds and is responsible for chapter financial records and reports, including the maintenance of adequate records of all transactions involving chapter funds. Typical duties:
The Chapter Executive Committee, often at the recommendation of the chapter treasurer, usually approves the selection of the bank in which the chapter will establish its checking account. Bank resolutions and appropriate signature cards are required to establish a bank account in the name of the chapter. Unless it is inconvenient to the treasurer, the same bank should normally be used from year-to-year. When choosing the depository, the Chapter Executive Committee must also decide the number of signatures required to withdraw funds from the checking account. Most chapters stipulate that two signatures are appropriate-usually the president and the treasurer. The treasurer is responsible for ensuring that the signature authorization forms from the approved bank are signed by (he designated chapter officials and given to the chapter secretary, who will, in tum, authenticate the chapter's approval of the signatures. SecretaryThe primary duty of the secretary is to maintain the minutes of the Chapter Executive Committee meetings, obtain approval of the minutes by the CEC, and ensure the minutes are available for perusal by the membership as determined by the CEC, e.g., published in the chapter newsletter and/or on the chapter website. The secretary can be both a recording and corresponding secretary for the chapter and, as such, can serve as a communications liaison between the chapter, the Regional Vice President and the national Association. As custodian of the official chapter files, the secretary may also be the chapter historian. The secretary can also issue notices of meetings; after consultation with the president, prepare the agenda of matters to be covered; keep a record of attendance; and prepare the minutes. DirectorsDirectors of AGA Hawaii should have the necessary experience and knowledge to be able to accomplish the following:
Goverment Accountability