Past Local Events
Thursday, June 16, 2011
5:30 - registration and networking
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Program
Location: Plaza Club, Crown Room, 900 Fort Street Mall, 20th Floor
(Reservations by Thursday, June 9, 2011)
Please join your fellow members to celebrate the end of the AGA Hawaii Chapter’s 2011 fiscal year, including the presentation of awards and new officers/directors for the upcoming fiscal year, and the chance to win prizes!
Hope to see a lot of you there!
Cost: $20 for the first 50 people to sign-up!
$25 per person, thereafter. Includes one $5 drink ticket – $10 subsidy off of total cost including tax and tip
>> View event flyer for additional program details
Service Efforts and Accomplishments (SEA) Reporting
Presented by Edwin Young
City Auditor, City and County of Honolulu
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
11:30 a.m. - registration and networking
Noon - 1:30 p.m. Program
The Plaza Club, Coronet Room
900 Fort Street Mall 20th Floor
RSVP Deadline: Noon Wednesday, April 13, 2011.
In 1994, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued Concepts Statement No. 2, service Efforts and Accomplishments Reporting. According to the statement, the objective of SEA reporting is to provide more complete information about a governmental entity’s performance than can be provided by the traditional financial statements and schedules, and to assist users in assessing the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of services provided.
In 2003, GASB issued a special report on Reporting Performance Information: Suggested Criteria for Effective Communication that describes sixteen criteria that federal, state and local governments can use when preparing external reports on performance information. Using the GASB criteria, the AGA initiated a Certificate of Excellence in Service Efforts and Accomplishments Reporting project in 2003.
In 2009, Palo Alto became the first city in the nation to receive the AGA’s Circle of Excellence Award. In 2010, Palo Alto was one of only a few cities nationwide to receive both the Gold Award and Certificate of Excellence Award. Palo Alto is also nationally recognized as a model city which gained additional recognition for increasing transparency and accountability through its SEA and performance reporting.
The City and County of Honolulu, through its Office of the City Auditor, recently issued the first SEA report for Oahu. The SEA report implements the national program by benchmarking and evaluating inputs, outputs, and performance measures. Through the report, readers can evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the city’s performance by comparing inputs and outputs against mission statements, performance targets, and goals and objectives over the last five years.
>> View Final SEA Report
>> View All City Auditor Reports and Publications
>> View event flyer for speaker and program details
Special offer: This is AGA Hawaii's activity to support the Hawaii Food bank. As an incentive for our food drive, we will offer a $5 discount on the program fee. Those bringing qualified canned goods shown in the attached file will receive a $5 discount on the program fee. Only canned good items shown on the attached file will qualify for the discount.
>> View items requested by Food Bank
Federal Tax Law Update 2011
Presented by Wendell Lee and Darryl Nitta, Accuity LLP
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
INDIGO, Opium Room
1121 Nuuanu Avenue (See program flyer for parking info)
Find out what is happening with the latest changes in the federal tax law. Accuity LLP tax personnel will provide a recap of the changes that you need to know about for your personal or small business tax situation.
RSVP Deadline: Noon, January 19.
>> View event flyer for speaker, program, and registration details
>> View Tax Presentation
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Ala Moana Hotel, Carnation Room
Presented By:
Carey Carpenter, CPA, CISA
Director, Deloitte & Touche LLP
Josef Fukano, CISA
Manager, Deloitte & Touche LLP
>> Reservations by noon Tuesday, November 30, 2010.
View Program Announcement for further details
Bring a toy for our Toys for Tots collection for a $5 discount on the registration fee.
How Did That Happen?
Reasons We Miss Fraud
Don Mullinax Regional Director
Defense Contract Audit Agency
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
11:30 - registration and networking Noon - 1:30 p.m. Program
(Reservations by noon Wednesday, October 13, 2010)
Pagoda Hotel, LaSalle Restaurant
1525 Rycroft Street
From large corporations to small city agencies, we read, hear and see examples of fraud, waste and abuse on a daily basis. One of the questions most often asked is: how did that happen?
Could you have possibly done more to identify the warning signs that would have lead to earlier detection of the fraud? What lessons have we learned about why we miss the warning signs? What steps can we take to better identify potential fraud?
>> View Program Announcement for further details
Lori Ahlstrand
Regional Inspector General, Office of Audit Services
US Department of Health and Human Services
Wednesday, Sept 8, 2010
11:30 a.m. - registration and networking
12 Noon - 1:30 p.m. Program
Hale Koa Hotel
Reservations by Wednesday, September 1, 2010
>> View event flyer for program details
Ethics and Professional Conduct
Dr. Billy Morehead
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
8 am - 12 noon
Sheraton Waikiki Ballrooms
Honolulu Conference Room
Hawaii CPAs are now required to obtain 4 hours of CPEs in Ethics or Professional Conduct. AGA Hawaii will be offering an ethics course on Wednesday, August 18th from 8am to noon (day after the AGA/ASMC Government Technology & Fraud Conference). This ethics course will satisfy the mandatory 4 CPE requirement for Hawaii CPAs.
Dr. Billy Morehead, current National President of AGA and also the Chair of Accountancy of Delta State University, will be teaching this course. Cost: $20 for participants who paid to attend Aug 16-17 Government Technology & Fraud Conference; $60 for others. Make check payable to "AGA of Hawaii" and bring with completed registration form to session. Validated self-parking; valet parking $13.
>> Registration Form
Patrick Oki
Conference Chair
AGA Hawaii Chapter
Phone: (808)441-2803

Government Technology and Fraud Conference 2010
August 16 – 17, 2010
Sheraton Waikiki Hotel
Honolulu, Hawaii
Presented by: AGA Hawaii and ASMC Aloha Chapter
>> Register Now!
Exciting Topic:
-- Cloud computing
-- Web 2.0: wikis, blogs, social networking
-- Content and document management
-- Business portals
-- Using key performance indicators
-- Business intelligence (CAM-I)
-- Federal False Claims Act
-- Purchase card data mining
-- Latest technologies to combat fraud
-- Fraud investigations
-- IT governance
-- Top ten latest technologies in the public sector
-- Using simple tools to identify fraud
>> View Program and Schedule
This two-day program will discuss and explore how innovative technologies can improve public service and provide updates on current issues relating to fraud. This program provides opportunities to network with key government executives and industry experts. Please return to this site for the latest information about programs, speakers, registrations and more.
The program is designed for federal, state and local government financial management officials, auditors and accountants, certified public accountants and others involved in government agencies that are interested in learning about the various technologies that can improve their operations and ways to combat fraud.
>> Read More and Register
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
5:30 - registration and networking
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Program
Location: Tsukiji Fish Market (Ala Moana Center)
(Reservations by Wednesday, June 9, 2010)
Please join your fellow members to celebrate the end of the AGA Hawaii Chapter’s
2010 fiscal year, including the presentation of awards and new officers/directors
for the upcoming fiscal year. There will also be several prize drawings and a 50%
discount on the cost of the banquet to members.
Registration is limited to the first 36 people who sign-up.
Hope to see a lot of you there!
$20/AGA members (discounted 50%) including tax and tip
>> View event flyer for program details
State of the Economy
Presented by Jack Suyderhoud
Professor, University of Hawaii, and Vice Chair, State Council on Revenues
Monday, May 3, 2010
11:30 a.m. - registration and networking
Noon - 1:30 p.m. Program
Hukilau Bar & Grill (Executive Centre (1088 Bishop Street Lower Level)
RSVP Deadline: Wednesday, April 28, 2010.
Find out what is happening with our economy and what we can expect in the future. University of Hawaii Professor Jack Suyderhoud will provide us with his views on this dynamic topic.
>> View event flyer for speaker and program details
Special offer: This is AGA Hawaii's activity to support the Hawaii Food bank. As an incentive for our food drive, we will offer a $5 discount on the program fee. Those bringing qualified canned goods shown in the attached file will receive a $5 discount on the program fee, i.e. $5 (vs. $10) for members and $15 (vs. $20) for nonmembers. As only canned good items shown on the attached file will qualify for the discount, please confirm your that your canned good is pictured.
>> View items requested by Food Bank
About the Council on Revenues The Council on Revenues is attached to the State of Hawaii Department of Taxation for Administrative Purposes. The Council on Revenues, established under section 37-111, Hawaii Revised Statutes, prepares revenue estimates of the state government for each fiscal year of the six-year state program and financial plan.
The Council reports its latest revenue forecast to the governor and the legislature on June 1, September 10, January 10, and March 15 of each year. In addition, the Council prepares estimates of the state total personal income for such calendar years as are necessary for establishing the state expenditure ceiling. Forecasts of total personal income are reported to the director of finance, the governor, the chief justice, and the legislature each August 5 and November 5. Estimates prepared by the Council are considered by the governor in preparing the state budget, recommending appropriations, and controlling expenditures; they are considered by the legislature in appropriating funds and enacting revenue measures.
The Council consists of seven members, three of whom are appointed by the Governor for four-year terms and two each of whom are appointed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives for two-year terms. The Council is not required to comply with the law on open meetings for public agencies when confidential tax information is discussed, but all estimates submitted to the Governor and Legislature by the Council are public.