General Information

2010 Government Technology and Fraud Conference

August 16 – 17, 2010
Sheraton Waikiki Hotel
Honolulu, Hawaii

Presented by: AGA Hawaii and ASMC Aloha Chapter

Exciting Topics:

- Cloud computing
- Web 2.0: wikis, blogs, social networking
- Content and document management
- Business portals
- Using key performance indicators
- Business intelligence (CAM-I)
- Federal False Claims Act
- Purchase card data mining
- Latest technologies to combat fraud
- Fraud investigations
- IT governance
- Top ten latest technologies in the public sector
- Using simple tools to identify fraud

This two-day program will discuss and explore how innovative technologies can improve public service and provide updates on current issues relating to fraud. This program provides opportunities to network with key government executives and industry experts. Please return to this site for the latest information about programs, speakers, registrations and more.

The program is designed for federal, state and local government financial management officials, auditors and accountants, certified public accountants and others involved in government agencies that are interested in learning about the various technologies that can improve their operations and ways to combat fraud.

If you have any questions or are interested in participating in the 2010 Government Technology & Fraud Conference as a sponsor and/or exhibitor, please contact:

Patrick Oki, Conference Chairperson
Phone: 808.441.2803 Email: [email protected]